Help Duke

$845 of $1,000 raised

Duke is a 9 year old Corso (not to be confused with our Duke in TX), whose life has been turned completely upside-down. Duke has been a loyal Corso, living with his adult family and 2 pit mix siblings. He slept on a bed next to his canine siblings, next to his owner’s bed for many years.

His owners are expected their first baby any day now and they don’t feel that they can care for Duke, his 2 siblings, and a new human. They are also concerned about new people coming into the house with Duke present. Therefore, Duke was scheduled to be surrendered to a NYC shelter last month.

CCR jumped in and pulled him because we know that a 9 year old Corso in a shelter is a death sentence and we didn’t want Duke spending his final days in a scary shelter.

When the foster family that committed to Duke backed out in under 12 hours of having him, CCR had to urgently get him to safety yet again.

CCR was able to locate his previous owners and though they were not able to foster Duke, they did offer to help for the first week or boarding him at the kennel Duke was familiar with.

Four weeks later, Duke remains at the kennel, as his transport to Ohio has fallen apart 3 times already (all last minute too 😟 ). While we try to get this transport set up, we need to know we can cover Duke’s boarding bill (his previous owners are about to have a baby). Any funds raised over the boarding bill ($40+ a day) will go towards 1) transport to foster care 2) senior vet care needed for Duke.


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Donation Total: $10.00