

Not Available (Adopted!)

Brink – Male in Washington D.C.

Brink is a 5 month old Cane Corso. His owners brought him into an a Specialty and Emergency Hospital in the DC area. This puppy apparently was only given his initial vaccinations and no more after that (most puppies are recommended to have 3 rounds of vaccinations by the time they are 4mos of age)

The owners said Brink had stopped eating about 3 days ago and today was weak with vomiting and diarrhea. He was immediately tested for parvo and came up positive.

The vet called CCR as a last ditch effort to save this little guy, as the owners said they couldn’t afford the 3500-5000 estimate for INITIAL 24hr treatment. It should be noted that many times parvo pups need up to a week of treatment!

When CCR called the vet back to ask more about hospital discount and eventually to commit to Brink, we were notified that the owners had requested to bring Brink home 1 last night to be with his family that included 3 children 😭. He would then be brought back for humane euthanasia the next day. The vet honestly stressed to the family that Brink would suffer and most likely not survive through the night without aggressive treatment. The family was encouraged to surrender Brink to a rescue (the exact rescue was not disclosed to the family) so that he could Immediately begin the life saving treatment he needed… Keep in mind, even after 5 hours of fluids at the specialty hospital, a blood pressure was STILL not able to be detected and determined. This puppy was very, very sick!!

At 9:30PM that night, the owners called to surrender Brink.

CCR has committed to Brink and our plan is to get him more stable and then transfer him to a regular vet outside the DC area that will provide treatment at a discount to the rescue. However, tonight, we weren’t able to call vets and Brink is on no shape to be safely transported. We hope tomorrow brings more stability so that we can transport him and transfer his care.

Out initial goal is $5,000 as that is the high end of the estimate at this hospital ( however, we are submitting our 501(c)(3) info for a discount). As soon as the vet sends this written estimate over, we will post it here too. We will be reimbursed for any amount that we pay over what it ends up costing. We are grateful for ANY amount you can donate towards Brink’s care. Remember every dollar counts! And your donation is amplified when others donate.

Thank you for your support.

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